Document Management

Decide how you want to integrate documents!

Manage and sort various documents to make them available to your software users. This includes two main categories: You can upload documents that relate to the facility and to which all users or selected groups can have access. In addition, you can upload documents related to assets, which either refer to a specific asset (e.g. test reports) or which can be made available to all assets of the same type (e.g. service manuals).

Document Management

Facility Document Management

Customise the structure of document folders for all facilities and upload files to make them available to everyone. Each facility can still customise local document folders and upload files withouth sharing them with everyone. Have you ever wanted to share compliance updates or safety regulations with all your facilities? With this feature you can!

Facility Document Management

Asset Document Management

This feature is designed in the same way as the Facility Document Management, but for assets. You can define uniform document folder structures for all assets. When asset-related documents are uploaded, you can also decide whether they should be shared locally or with all other facilities if they have the same model in their facility. This helps with the collection of technical documents for all facilities involved.

Asset Document Management

Would you like more information and to see this feature live in action? Then book your demo today!