Relocation Management

One of the main goals of equipment management is to know the location of all assets and track all moves throughout the lifecycle of the equipment. With Smart Hospital Maintenance you can track the location of your asset and all relocations that have taken place.

Relocation Management

Relocation Log

Whether you need to move an asset between two rooms, departments, buildings or entire facilities, your documentation will stay up to date as you relocate your valuable assets. Document the moving process and the reason for the move. This is especially important in a hospital environment for several reasons:

Relocation Log

Patient Safety

Due to the wide range of medical equipment, it is important to always know where they are – especially if they are needed in an emergency.

Inventory Management

Keeping track of your equipment is crucial to maintain an overview of your assets. With comprehensive documentation of all relocations, inventory management is always up to date.

Maintenance and Repairs

Your technical service team needs the location information of your asset in order to pick up the asset or perform maintenance directly on site. With the right location information, this process will take less time, resulting in less downtime for the equipment, saving valuable resources.

Reloation Log

Would you like to benefit from proper relocation management?
Book your software demo tour with our experts today!